Well here we are, Fangoria ’07 is all over, a lovely time was had by all and nobody died. The show all went off perfectly (as far as you know) and there were many fine and obscure costumes.
In between taking people on a flying saucer joyride and blowing shit up, we managed to snap a few pics of the party:
A special mention must be made of Stu’s Kuato costume which marked the first audio-animatronic costume Fangoria has seen.
We’ve also added a whole heap of previously secret production photos to the set that was already up on Flickr
…and after many requests (ok, one request) we’ve put the TV station off air graphics online for all to view as well.
Thanks to all for coming, especially those that travelled so far. See you all next year, hopefully for something different.
If anybody else has any photos of the night please share. Like Stuart has here and oh look! he’s even blogged about it, how wizard!
oh yeah, and we’re going to be making a short film of the show for anybody that couldn’t make it. stay tuned, these things normally take us a while.
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I agree with Crescenet.
Both times.
that Crescenet… what a guy/gal