Harry Potter Tour Preview


Well aren’t we the lucky ones? We managed to find ourselves invited to a personal preview tour of the Harry Potter exhibit at the Warner Bros. Studio Tour, London, about a month before it opens to the public. Our excellent tour guide was Craig Hanna, Chief Creative Officer of Thinkwell, the amazing guys and gals behind the attraction (also home to our pal Dave). They’re in soft open mode at the moment, which means they’re running the whole thing for preview guests to help test everything and make sure nobody dies before the real audiences turn up.



The experience isn’t quite what you’d expect judging by how the Harry Potter world has been re-created over the pond in Orlando. Here it’s a slightly more mature approach, and rather than telling the story as if all the magic is real, they are telling you the real story of how the films are made. So rather than entering the real Hogwarts, you explore the actual Hogwarts film sets and the rest of the Harry Potter world.



The place is full of genuinely amazing props and sets, the likes of which you really don’t see so much in films now-a-days. Anybody with a just a passing interest of the craft of film making would be wide eyed at the good old forced perspective corridors, extremely detailed machines and literally piles of animatronic monsters.



The big thing that makes this place special though is the stories of how these people, and especially the kids, have grown up and pretty much lived at the studio for over 10 years making the films – you get a real feel for the passion and pride that goes into the production coming out of such a close knit (and rather large) film making family.



The whole thing is just huge, we can’t mention it all here, but the highlights have to be the Grand Hall in all it’s glory, the stunningly huge Hogwarts model used in all the films, and of course the Butter Beer, which is not of this world, but we’re very glad it’s paying us a visit. Go book yourself some tickets.



One really nice touch is in the very last room of the tour. The room is stuffed from floor to ceiling of wand boxes. Every box carries the name of every single person that worked on the 8 films. There’s no order, no heirachy, they’re all smashed together in one big family. There’s a guy in there with a memory like Rainman who can point out any name you wish… with his wand.



… and Thanks again to Craig from Thinkwell for the tour. What a dude.


More photos here.

The Memory

We’ve been talking about making a short film with our mate Eze for ages, and we never get round to it. So we decided we should make a short film with Eze (and other mates) every day for a week to make up for lost time. We’ve called it the Lunch Time Films project, the first of which is The Memory. Stay tuned for even more exciting high(ish) quality productions from BINGO Pictures, every day this week.

Gun Club GoPro 2 test

We got a new toy, a GoPro HD 2! We just happened to be going to our gun club the day it arrived, and it just happened to be empty, so we could muck about with our new toy, and shoot guns, good times.


We actually swapped our old Contour+ camera in for this one. We were never that happy with the quality of the Contour, and the good people at DogCam Sport agreed to swap it out for a GoPro and refund us the difference. Good dog!

Darth Fader

We take a lot of photos, bordering on too many, and the process of grading them all after we’ve come back from a holiday takes literally months. We use Adobe Lightroom, which is a great bit of software, but the interface it a bit fiddly. The answer it seems is with a plug-in called Paddy (there’s one for Mac called Knobroom  if you’re that way inclined), that lets you assign any command a midi controller can send to pretty much any of Lightroom’s plentiful functions.


So we got ourselves a Behringer BCF2000 from ebay, installed the plug-in, a few hours of factory resetting and swearing at things later… TA DA! It works! It’s motorised so all the little faders jump to whatever settings you’ve set for a photo… a bit like the Force – and you’ve got to admit, he does look more than a bit like something you’d find swinging around Darth Vader’s neck.


New Blog Design Excitement!

You know the deal; you tidy up one bit of the room and end up tearing down the house and re-building it from scratch. No? Just us? OK then. Well we thought we’d tweak the design of our blog a bit, and it ended up taking about 3 weeks of getting seriously mucky with things like jQuery, CSS animation and lots of content re-organising – but it’s done now.


We’ve ditched our flash header (not sure why, but we have), and rolled our own Flickr image thingy, which is a bit buggy, what the hell. Also ditched all the pages for things like our work and made everything a blog post with now just a few categories to organise it all (those little black buttons in the top right). Added a dandy featured posts widget on the category pages so you can jump to just our favourite stuff, and check out the archive page for a Tumblr inspired look.


Apologies to anybody unfortunate enough to be subscribed to our RSS feed for the last few weeks, most of the site had to be spat out again and we couldn’t work out how to hide it from the feed.


Let us know what you think – mainly if anything is broken.