We Made a Snorri Cam!

We’re shooting a short film of this year’s Fangoria show, and we thought we’d have a bash at building a Snorri Cam rig from bits we have lying about. We slug a tool belt on the Boob, whacked a couple of legs from a tripod in the pockets, tied a length of webbing around his back to each leg, screwed a camera on the top with a wide angle lens… and that was it, it works and everything.
snorri boob 05

ok, “what’s a Snorri Cam?”, well it’s when you rig a camera to the actors body so it appears to float in front of them, pointing back at the actor. Some say it was invented by Icelandic photographers/film makers, the Snorri Brothers (you see what they did there with the name?). It was used a lot in Requiem for a Dream which is of course an awesome film.

Here’s some more shorts of our rig in action. Stay tuned for the final film.

Fangoria 07 is over

Well here we are, Fangoria ’07 is all over, a lovely time was had by all and nobody died. The show all went off perfectly (as far as you know) and there were many fine and obscure costumes.

In between taking people on a flying saucer joyride and blowing shit up, we managed to snap a few pics of the party:

A special mention must be made of Stu’s Kuato costume which marked the first audio-animatronic costume Fangoria has seen.

We’ve also added a whole heap of previously secret production photos to the set that was already up on Flickr

…and after many requests (ok, one request) we’ve put the TV station off air graphics online for all to view as well.

Thanks to all for coming, especially those that travelled so far. See you all next year, hopefully for something different.

If anybody else has any photos of the night please share. Like Stuart has here and oh look! he’s even blogged about it, how wizard!

Fangoria 2007 – They’re Coming

We gave in to our inner geek, and themed this show on sci-fi. Managed to transport large groups of people from a small kitchen, into a large alien space craft. Then mess with them for a bit. Electric shocks were involved.


Here’s the invite:


Photos of the show:


A bit of behind the scenes magic:



Production photos:



View photos of the Party.


And the Boober real…

They’re Coming

Seeing that the readership of this probably consists of me, Jas, George, Stu and maybe a few other mates if we’re lucky, the chances that you’ve not already seen the invite for this year’s Fangoria are slim to say the least. But why not view it again?

Production is well under way, we’ll post some photos of us eating, sawing, drinking tea and of course screwing in the garage soon, like *real* soon.

Fangoria ’07 – First Blood

Fangoria production has been underway for the last month or so (photos coming soon, invite coming sooner), but we’ve only just witnessed our first blood letting from an injury sustained during building. Last year this happened on day one.

This looks fake I know but trust me, it’s very real. I cannot recommend running your finger down the length of a metal tape measure at speed.

Fangoria 2006 – SOU NOS


Become initiated into this surreal club. We managed to engineer some special helmets which no only allowed people to see strange symbols in the pitch dark but swap the vision of the two people wearing the helmets, making walking down a simple corridor quite a strange and difficult experience. This one didn’t turn out to be quite so much fun as other shows, but what the hell, we enjoyed ourselves.


Here’s the invite (which we built a camera crane for):


and a few photos:

Here’s some more photos of the show, some production photos and some from the party.


Another year, another blog, another waste of time

Hi kids. Yeah, we started a new blog to fill with any old crap we feel like. Kind of a traditional “weblog” if you like. Yeah, you know how that works. Anyway, here’s some shit i guess;

We’ve started planing the construction of Fangoria 2007. As ever, we’ve given ourselves an idea, but not worked out how the fudge to do it. To the right there you can see Al planing a complex set piece using industrial standard stage building blocks… a burger menu. Also, we got a new lens, it’s totally sweet low f-stop prime thingy. G hates it, but I loves it. More demo pics here.

Happy New Year you fools x.