Super Martin vs the Villains

It was Martin’s last day at Poke before heading off to New York. Martin is into Superman in a big way (I’m sure he thinks New York is Metropolis), so we surprised him with his very own Superman costume and the whole of Poke dressed as super villains ready for him to battle.


Here’s us:




Ensuing violence:

More Pics here.

Best of luck Martin, keep the streets of New York Metroplois clean. Here’s an animated gif:

The Great Outdoors Road Trip – time lapse

In our first time-lapse of one of American raodtrips we stuck to our guns and showed the whole thing warts (boring bits) and all. This year we deliberately shot things from different angles and at different speeds so we can make a more entertaining edit, which I think we achieved? What do you think?


This trip took 17 days and when through Colorado, Wyoming, Idaho, Utah, Nevada and California. Stick around for the thrilling 360° finale – which is a journey to and from Disneyland, of course.

Guns P.O.V.

Using the same mount I built for the video of my foot walking around America, here are our hands shooting a series of progressively larger guns.


Watching the video, the journey you take will start at cute little Ruger .38 then you’ll wander past a Beretta .45. A Desert Eagle .50 will loom into view briefly, don’t be afraid, not yet. Oh look, a P90! My how fast you fire! OK, you know I said to not be afraid just now? Well now it’s time. The great big Barrett M82 .50 was, by any definition, a beast.


All this happened at the surprisingly friendly Get Some Guns and Ammo – just south of Salt Lake City, Utah. Shot on a Contour+.

Walking Around America

So I built a little mount thingy and used it to strap a camera (Contour+) to my knee, then walked around various places in america filming my foot. This is what it looks like:

Places featured here include Devil’s Tower, the toilets at Devil’s Tower, the wilderness near Casper in Wyoming (look out for the shot gun shell cameo!), a chuck wagon, the hotel Wild Bill Cody used to stay in Cody, Bonneville salt flats in Utah, a massive old steam train in Nevada and Lake Tahoe in California.



For years I’ve been noticing frames from some of my favourite films look like could have come from a Wes Anderson film. Whack on a more Wes Anderson style title in the correct font (he always uses Futura in various guises, normally bold in yellow or white) and the idea tells itself. I’ve made a few up now and put them here:


The first film I ever noticed this on was Ghostbusters, and I’ve been wanting to do something with it for years. I’ve made up a fair bunch of films now and plan to keep adding to the blog whenever I spot a another frame that looks the part.

Machine Production Photos


Just dusted off the photos we took behind the scenes of Machine. We’ve gone to town on the descriptions this time so if you really want to know how we did what we did, head over to the Flickr set, make yourself a cuppa and get reading. You’ll find a few abandoned prototype ideas in there as well, and some actual blood.


Machine Photos

The Machine

We’ve finally dismantled the set for Fangoria, The Machine now <sad face>, but we did take lot’s of photos of it all before it got trashed <less sad face>. We now have a nice empty garage except for a large steampunk time machine sat in the corner.  We’re open to offers, it has some very minor dinosaur related damage, and a few thousand years on the clock.

Appetite for Distraction – The Book

Hurray! We made a book of some (well, quite a lot) of our photos from our road trips across the states. It’s a bit of a precursor to the documentary film we’re still editing so we’ve given it the same name.



If you like it, you can go see the whole thing on Blurb’s site, and if you *really* like it, you can buy it from them as well.