Us chaps at Poke have launched the third augmented reality game for Rubberduckzilla. This time we partnered with The Sun, and what jolly fine people they were to work with too (cheers Mike!). The AR marker was printed in a double page spread all about Rubberduckzilla. Punters the bought The Sun simply had to visit www.rubberduckzilla.com hold the paper up to their webcam and all hell broke lose. You can also play News Splash by printing out the AR marker from the site. Here’s a quick video I shot to demonstrate what happens for those poor people that don’t have a webcam.


Just finished this site for Oasis. If you have a webcam, you can turn yourself into a giant rubber laser blasting duck and blast the crap out of the city! Just print out this marker, hold it on your head and hit spacebar to start the burninating! Developed by the amazing code monkeys at LingoBee. More games coming soon to www.RUBBERDUCKZILLA.com

Give it a spin


My first piece of work at Poke (yay we’re at Poke!) is about to close. It’s the last day to play with Topshop’s Christmas Zeotrope. It was a hell of an after effects job, but working tightly with the developers and illustrator helped make this little thing come to life. 90,000 plays so far, be great to hit that 100k level by midnight tonight. Go on, you could win some spangly belts!

28 Days video, done

So we’re off to buy some trendy hats and jeans that look like dad’s worn them to paint the kitchen ceiling – that’s right folks, we’ve directed a music video, so we’re cool now. We shot it ages ago, since then we sodded off to the states, and editing the beast took a lot longer than we’d though, but here it is, all done, and in glorious HD (well, Vimeo HD, which is kind of glorious).

Great Clock Animation (Big Ben)

Our touch screen guide to the inner working of The Great Clock (that’s Big Ben kids) has been installed into it’s custom built wooden paneled unit half-way up The Clock Tower. Wonderfully styled to fit in with all the pomp and tradition of parliament. Try out the animation below, or ask your MP for a tour. WARNING, it’s 394 steps to the top.

[kml_flashembed publishmethod=”dynamic” fversion=”8.0.0″ movie=”http://www.deathtotheflippers.com/wp-content/assets/work/greatclock/greatclock.swf” width=”640″ height=”394″ targetclass=”flashmovie” base=”http://www.deathtotheflippers.com/wp-content/assets/work/greatclock/”]

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Hidden Value Guide

Design, animation and programming of a flash microsite that shows how you can add value to your house by installing energy saving measures.

[kml_flashembed publishmethod=”static” fversion=”8.0.0″ movie=”http://www.deathtotheflippers.com/wp-content/assets/work/est/hvg.swf” width=”545″ height=”450″ targetclass=”flashmovie” base=”http://www.deathtotheflippers.com/wp-content/assets/work/est/”]

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Digital UK Online Campaign

Here’s a banner campaign for we did for Digital UK. Letting people know their old beloved tellys from the 70s can be converted to digital. We did the motion graphics design and 3D animation direction.

[kml_flashembed publishmethod=”dynamic” fversion=”8.0.0″ movie=”http://www.deathtotheflippers.com/wp-content/assets/work/digitaluk/mpu/DIG_271-mpu-02.swf” width=”300″ height=”250″ targetclass=”flashmovie”]

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Tricks vs Treats games – Orange Broadband

To promote Orange Broadband, we devised the ‘No Tricks Only Treats’ campaign to highlight Orange’s customer services and lack of dodgy small print. We made a couple of flash games to help illustrate the campaign that were used on a microsite as well as being featured quite often on YouTube’s homepage masthead. The brilliant animation is courtesy of Julian Frost.


The concept of both games is to play the same game as 2 characters, one of them an Orange Broadband customer, the other poor soul has shopped elsewhere. Of course the Orange customer has a much easier experience, whilst the other little laptop guy has to put up with all manner of tricks from his ISP. At the end, we also had some time to get boosting services from www.p4rgaming.com/blog/elo-boosting.