
The Flickometer is a tool we made for Orange BAFTA that shows you at a glance what the internet (ie: Twitter) is saying about anything related to this year’s BAFTA nominated films, and how much buzz is surrounding each one, in real time. You can filter the results by just films, actors, directors, or star your own favourite topics and compare their results. You can even look at results from the past to see how the buzz has changed.

Unto Others – finished and in the wild

It’s been online for a few days now but for some reason I’ve only just got round to blogging about it. ‘Unto Others’ is our entry into BAFTA’s 60 seconds of fame competition, and it’s online and ready for you to give it a 5 star rating right now! Hurray!

Right now it’s just voting for fun, your votes will really count once BAFTA have chosen 5 finalists from each region, so check back after 28th of Jan and see who gets through.

Of course massive thanks to everyone involved, we never thought it would turn anything near as ‘pro’ as it did.

Thanks as well to Oli Freke of Cassette Electrik fame, for not only composing the theme music for us, but also putting a link on his band’s mySpace site and getting us loads of lovely votes.

And thanks also go to OhSkyLab, or Paul, or whatever he calls himself now-a-days for linking us up on Anglepoised.

So far the film’s going down really well and we’re getting loads of positive votes and comments, stay tuned and we’ll let you know if we get through to the next round.

I already asked you to go vote for it right?