Noby Noby Boy ain’t normal

Here’s me last night, as a kind of multi-coloured sausage creature called Boy. I can stretch to almost any length, and this helps Girl (a properly giant sausage thing who starts in earths orbit but it growing out towards other planets) grow. Anyway, here’s some video made using the neato in-game YouTube do-hickey that lets you video yourself and upload straight to your account.

It’s directed by Keita Takahashi who also did Katamari Damacy, it’s very much in the same world, which is an odd world, but I like it. A nice place to visit, but I wouldn’t want to live there, well, maybe a summer home.

Flippers @ Home

So, Hallybones got an invite to the Playstation Home Beta and we didn’t. He sent us a video of him enjoying his empty Home Apartment. It was late, we were tired and very jet lagged (we’re back in the UK now), so I built a quick Snorri Cam out of a boom mike pole, a big hook I found in the garden and some wire, and attached my mobile phone to it. We then made this film to send him of us enjoying our Home. I know, like I say, we were tired.