
Salvation Mountain

Meet Leonard Knight. He’s the proud creator of Salvation Mountain; just outside Niland, California. A hard man to tie down as he lives in the foothills of his hand made mountain with no phone. Leonard was no-where to be seen when we arrived in the 116 degrees heat, so we poked around for a bit taking several hundred photos and tons of b-roll footage. Just as we were about to head back into Niland to find the guy, a car covered in paint and putty pulled up. Out leapt a very excited and joyous 87 year old Leonard. We spoke with him for some time about his faith and how he built his 50 foot high message from god. A truly inspiring man, and a pleasure to meet him. We picked up a few buckets of paint and putty for him em route in Yuma, which he seemed to love.

The scary and the fun

Ella\'s Deli

Found ourselves in a scary place deep in Indiana. The image above, left is taken from inside a tomb in the grounds of a Carmelite Monastery. They happened to be having some kind of big to do, and the place was full of Polish people chanting and generally being scary. These were not our people. THEN we found ourselves in Ella’s Deli in Wisconsin (above, right). An amazing place full of animatronic toys and stuff having from the ceiling and embedded in our table. The food was giant, as was the welcome from Ken and Katie who we chatted to for ages about the amazing place.