Give it a spin


My first piece of work at Poke (yay we’re at Poke!) is about to close. It’s the last day to play with Topshop’s Christmas Zeotrope. It was a hell of an after effects job, but working tightly with the developers and illustrator helped make this little thing come to life. 90,000 plays so far, be great to hit that 100k level by midnight tonight. Go on, you could win some spangly belts!

28 Days video, done

So we’re off to buy some trendy hats and jeans that look like dad’s worn them to paint the kitchen ceiling – that’s right folks, we’ve directed a music video, so we’re cool now. We shot it ages ago, since then we sodded off to the states, and editing the beast took a lot longer than we’d though, but here it is, all done, and in glorious HD (well, Vimeo HD, which is kind of glorious).

Flippers @ Home

So, Hallybones got an invite to the Playstation Home Beta and we didn’t. He sent us a video of him enjoying his empty Home Apartment. It was late, we were tired and very jet lagged (we’re back in the UK now), so I built a quick Snorri Cam out of a boom mike pole, a big hook I found in the garden and some wire, and attached my mobile phone to it. We then made this film to send him of us enjoying our Home. I know, like I say, we were tired.

Lightspeed to Endor /Romford

Another little test of the time-lapse controller. This time The Boob took us on a whirlwind tour from Collier Row, to Hainault then Romford and home. The dog track was kicking out in Romford, some slow traffic made for some good still moments in the time-lapse. Oh yeah, we were on a 3 seater speeder bike.

28 Days (in one day)

Well we’ve been threatening it for a while and this Saturday we finally did it, we made a video for our mates Cassette Electrik for their track ’28 Days’.

OK, when I say ‘we’ I actually mean me n jas trotted about telling people what to do while some jolly nice people did most of the hard work. One of which people was Peter Allibone who shot and lit the whole thing amazingly, no really, he did a bang up job and added loads of ideas that we can take the credit for later. We also had the unlimited help of make-up artist and stylist Wendy Oliver, who was supposed to leave a good few hours before she finally did (cheers for that Wendy – by the way, how do you remove that pink make-up?). Of course mum made too much food, but that’s what mum does, and dad let us invade his garage again. And the band jumped about, stood still, took half a pace to the left, no a bit more, back a bit, now a bit more to the left…etc.. without hitting us too many times.

We now have the simple task of editing nearly 5 hours of footage into a 4 and a half minute clip. How hard can it be? See you in a few months.

As usual, too many photos of the shoot can be found here

Our Dad’s dreams are not normal

Was asked to create a 20 second slide as part of a Peka Kucha presentation on the theme of inspiration. Our Dad has the most crazy dreams. They normal continue each night and often feature the same characters. The most infamous of these is Big Mouse. Lately, they’re become friends and team up against Big Chicken who is painting everything he sees. Wish my dreams were half are good as his.

view video in Vimeo

Dinosaur Delights

Found this old bit of footage from a holiday video we shot in Cabazon, California back in 2002. Must go back soon – even the name ‘Cabazon’ sounds cool. mmmm Cabazon…

For anybody that cares: They used this place for that scene in Pee Wee’s Big Adventure when he watches the sun set from the T-Rex’s mouth. If any of you have not seen the movie then get the hell out of our damn blog and don’t come back until you can do the tequila dance in its entirety.